Top tips for hiking with a baby

Published on 9 July 2024 at 20:41

Hiking with a baby can be a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors and introduce your little one to nature. However, it requires thoughtful preparation to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Here are some top tips for hiking with a baby to help you get started on the right foot.

The right carrier

Make sure that you have a carrier that is suitable for you. I love our BabyBjorn One but every fit is different for each person. Have a look to see if there is a sling library in your area to get a feel for different ones. If you are in the Leeds area this is a great one to go to I’ve used the baby bjorn with both boys and it not transitioned O into a backpack carrier at about 10/11 months when we felt he could comfortably nap in that rather than on our front. Also, make sure you are used to carrying your baby so that you don't overdo it on a hike - i.e. if you are planning a 10 mile hike but have never carried your baby then do at least a few short hikes beforehand to get used to it. It also allows baby to get used to it as well.

Plan your hike

Plan your hike so you know where you are going, how long it will be and also what the terrain is like. Is certainly recommend easy trails so they are good underfoot as you don’t want to be climbing over uneven terrain while carrying a baby.

Check the weather

You can be prepared for most weathers but you need to be able to adapt and be carrying the right equipment. In Austria we made sure we set our early in the morning to miss the afternoon heat as it was getting really hot in the afternoons. But as we were in the mountains with potential thunderstorms we always had wet weather gear at the ready.

Pack like a pro

We found packing cubes extremely handy meaning we could pack nappies, wipes and a travel change mat into one cube for easy access, a change of clothes in another, food in another and so on.

Hiking baby essentials:

  • Rain - Puddle suit for baby, Ergobaby Windcover and Raincover if you need extra protection
  • Sun - Sun Suncream factor 50, Baby sun hat
  • General - Toy attachment string plus toy to attach to the carrier, snacks, travel change bag
  • A bit of an odd one but because M refuses to keep a hat on his head most of the time we bought a compact UV umbrella that I could use if necessary. We didn’t use it a lot but it did come in handy a couple of times.

Stay well fed and hydrated

Make sure you stay well fed and hydrated especially if you are breastfeeding.

Dress Your Baby Appropriately

Layer your baby in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing. Babies can get cold or hot quickly, so dress them in layers that can be easily added or removed. Consider clothing with UV protection and use a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield your baby from the sun. For cooler weather, make sure they have a warm hat, mittens, and a blanket for added warmth.

Be Flexible and Patient

Hiking with a baby is a different pace, and things may not go exactly as planned. Be flexible and willing to adjust your route or plans as needed. Listen to your baby’s cues, and don’t hesitate to turn back if they seem uncomfortable or unhappy.

Final word of warning - Be prepared to embrace outdoor nappy changes! These can get interesting!

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