Cannon Hall Farm, West Yorkshire

Published on 9 July 2024 at 20:57

I will always have a soft spot for Cannon Hall Farm as I used to go here a lot as a little girl (when it was a lot smaller) but it's honestly a great day out!

Cannon Hall Farm 

We went on a Monday to make the most of the cheaper midweek tickets (Adults and children over 2 are £7.95 and unders 2s are free) and arrived for opening time at 10. It's also £3 for parking for the day.

You get handed a leaflet when you arrive outlining the times for all the activities for the day including a "meerkat talk", "ferret racing", "sheep racing" and tractor rides.

To kick start the day we headed over to the roundhouse where O got to look at some sheep, horses and their foals and the small mammal house. We then headed over to the sheep race and then for a little play. They have some wonderful outdoor adventure playgrounds (recently updated) and also a tube maze and climbing area. O had a wonderful time exploring all of these.

O then announced he was hungry so we headed inside to the Hungry Llama to get some food. We ordered beans on toast for O and me and A had jacket potatoes. The menu is large and there is something for everyone and quite reasonably priced. We played in the huge soft play while we waited for the food and O had a great time on the slides and in the ball pool. They have this ball suction run that kept O entertained for ages while M just sat playing with all the balls. After eating and a little more play we headed to see the rest of the animals. We went into the reptile house and then went to see the pigs (and piglets), cows, alpacas, goats, llamas and donkeys.

Safe to say we had a wonderful day out and the boys fell fast asleep on the way home!

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